

經文: 「當以聖潔的妝飾,敬拜耶和華。」(詩篇九六:9)

        我們認識上帝越清楚,我們越能體會祈禱力量的浩大,也就越明白惟有藉著禱告,才能有分於上帝旨意的完成。上帝已經將整個救贖的奧祕付給祂的百姓,要他們向 世人傳揚這真理。在這個計劃裡,禱告是最重要的一部份,因爲惟有藉著禱告,與上帝溝通,上帝的僕人才能支取到屬天的大能,聖靈的能力,做爲他們服侍的力量 來源。

        上帝爲何要如此要求?道理是顯而易見,因爲上帝在凡事上要模造我們成爲祂的樣式與形象,要達此目標,除了以耶穌的心爲心之外,別無他法。因爲只有藉著行出 祂的旨意,在愛中犧牲自己,如此方能越來越像耶穌。而追求成聖的基督徒,必須操練在聖靈中多次多方祈禱。

        我們越摸著上帝的心意,我們就越體察出在靈裡謙卑敬拜主的需要;我們越多花時間等候主,讓全人爲上帝的同在所佔有,我們對上帝的信心也越發增強,深知上帝 純全善良的旨意,要經由禱告成就在我們身上。當上帝的榮光照在我們身上,我們就會察覺出我們是何等軟弱無助,因此我們只好舉起信心的手禱告,相信上帝必成 就我們心中所求所想的。






Scripture: "Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness."—Ps xcvi 9.

        The better we know God the more wonderful becomes our insight into the power of intercession. We begin to under¬stand that it is the great means by which man can take part in the carrying out of God's purpose. God has entrusted the whole of His redemption in Christ to His people to make known and to communicate to men. In all this, intercession is the chief and essential element; because it is in it that His servants enter into the full fellowship with Christ, and receive the power of the Spirit and of Heaven as their power for service.
        It is easy to see why God had so ordered it. In very deed God desires to renew us after His image and likeness. And there is no other way to do this but by our making His desires our own, so that we breathe His disposition; and in love sacrifice ourselves, so that we may become, in a measure, even like Christ, "ever living to make intercession." Such can be the life of the consecrated believer.
        The clearer the insight into this great purpose of God, the more will the need be felt to enter very truly into God's Presence in the spirit of humble worship and holy adoration. The more we thus take time to abide in God's Presence, to enter fully into His mind and will, to get our whole soul possessed by the thought of His glorious purpose, the stronger will our faith be¬come that God will Himself work out all the good pleasure of His will through our prayers. As the glory of God shines upon us, we shall become conscious of the depths of our helplessness; and so rise up into the faith that believes that God will do above all that we can ask or think.
        Intercession will lead to the feeling of the need of a deeper adoration. Adoration will give new power for intercession. A true intercession and a deeper adoration will ever be found to be inseparable.
        The secret of true adoration can only be known by the soul I that gives time to tarry in God's presence, and that yields itself to God for Him to reveal Himself. Adoration will indeed fit for the great work of making God's glory known.
        "Oh, come let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God."
        "Give unto the Lord the glory due unto His name."

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    蕾的喜樂天堂! Lei's Joyful heaven!

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